Reflection for Third Sunday in Advent - Hear her roar

Reflection for Third Sunday in Advent – Hear Her Roar

“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour, who has looked with favour on his lowly servant: from this day all generations will call me blessed;” (The Song of Mary)

The news this week included the information that out of Melbourne’s 580 statues depicting historical female figures, only 9 depict historical female figures. To add grist to an advocacy group’s push for more female statues to be erected, is that the only statue of an indigenous woman, Lady Gladys Nicholls, has her staringly adoringly at the larger statue of her husband!

No-one knows exactly how many statues of Mary, God-bearer, exist in the world at the moment, but I’m sure it runs in the order of many millions (if you count the ones in homes)! I’m also pretty certain that statues existing of Christ would outnumber Mary.

However, I reflect this week on the image of Mary as warrior – voicing her victory song in line with her female ancestors – Miriam at God defeating of the pursuing Egyptians in the Red Sea and Hannah who raised her voice in victory as she left her longed-for son, Samuel to be brought up by Eli the priest, honouring her promise to God.

For all three women, their victory came at great price.

For Mary, God-bearer, the price started from the very beginning, in her ‘yes’ to God. As one scholar notes, God cannot do what God intends to do alone. God needs us, and for some it is a very steep price.

So, in honour of Mary, God-bearer, maybe take some time this week to hear other warrior voices from women existing today: please listen to them carefully

