Reflection for Fourth Sunday after Epiphany - are we as good as we could be?

“O mortal, what is good;
   and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
   and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8


On Australia Day 2023, Wiradjuri man Stan Grant writes as an aboriginal person and a person of God. And reminds all God’s people of the profound call from the prophet Micah above – which is also in our lectionary to be read this coming Sunday.

Grant writes: “As an Aboriginal person and a person of God, I know politics alone can't save us….God did not arrive on the First Fleet. God was here with us. We are a people of God on the land God gave us. According to my faith God lives in us as God lives in all.”

And as Amos reminds us: “Do justice….Love kindness…walk humbly with your God…”

Such a simple and such a powerful message calling down through the centuries. And from indigenous poet Jonathan Hill a beautiful acknowledgment that God was and is in all throughout time:

Today we stand in footsteps millennia old. We acknowledge the traditional custodians whose cultures and customs have nurtured, and continue to nurture, this land, since men and women awoke from the great dream. We honour the presence of our ancestors who reside in the imagination of this land and whose irrepressible spirituality flows through all creation.

To read Stan Grant’s article: Are we all we should be as a nation?

